Friday, October 11, 2024


OCTOBER WAR:  Made Together to Hit?

On 05 October 2024 two earthquakes occurred in Central Iran. The first one was 4.48 M at 8.59 AM at a depth of 6. 2 miles and the second one of 4.1 strength happened at 1.13 pm at a depth of 9.3 miles.

These two earthquakes led to a host of speculations on   probable nuclear tests carried out by Iran in the wake of a counter offensive in retaliation for raining Missiles to Israel. Amidst these high pitched notes on weapon grade nuclear arsenal tests, another earthquake occurred on 06 October 2024, at 12.45 AM  of 4.6 M struck Semnan Region of Iran at a depth of 6.2 miles.  If at all Iran had conducted nuclear tests, it would be a question on the   International assessment on the Nuclear Programme of Iran. If the seismological station of Norway situated over 3500kms from the Soviet Nuclear test location in Kazakhstan could pick up a small explosion of a quarter kiloton, today with thermal radiation mapping through satellite imaging together with highly sensitive Seismography can be integrated to detect nuclear tests of any dimension. Better diagnosis can give a clear picture  to differentiate between chemical explosions and detonations for mining and nuclear explosions. There would be a marked difference between the wave pattern and travel time of waves in an earthquake and explosion. The time of signal generation is in the fraction of a microsecond in a nuclear explosion may be to the scale of 0.0000001 seconds, whereas the earthquake waves by the friction of plates or   rock formations would be longer to the extent of quite a few seconds or minutes .  Here, a speculation of any kind would have been unnecessary , as the Iranian nuclear programme was under watch.  

 The tunnels of Hamas were made open to the world by Israel in Gaza exposes the capability of Iran to employ the “Decoupling” method in nuclear tests, more effectively than any other country.  Horizontal drilling at very lower depths forming chambers to hold test devices could deceive the seismic observatories. The signals would not be as sharp as that from a vertical   well.  In such a case, Iran can have the capability to conduct concealed tests of massive dimensions to the extent of a few kilotons, without being noticed.  Earthquakes in Iran on 5th and ^th October were reported to have the same depth of 6.2 miles and almost near magnitudes seismic intensity of little over 4 M. This  can certainly  be a reason for speculations on the probable nuclear test unless it is a repeat of the explosion.

The sounding of nuclear tests by Iran surfaces amidst apprehensions in the American and European media on  the possible  attack by Israel on the Nuclear Installations of Iran.  Four decades back, Israel had proven the capability to strike the nuclear facilities in Iraq, where Iran could not be successful in their effort .   It was the first ever successful strike against any nuclear installation in the world.  Nuclear reactor at Osiraq in Iraq was hit on 07 June 1981.

Saddam Hussain had been vigorously working on the Nuclear Programme and achieved much progress by 1980 working    in collaboration with Italy and France.  Around the same time the term of US President Jimmy Carter had ended and Ronal Regan had won the elections.  The political change in US administration was expected to revamp the 1978 Nuclear Nonproliferation Act of Carter.  Osiraq strike   was visibly not acceptable to Regan administration and to make matters worse, Israel had used US made F16 aircrafts for the raid. As a sign of displeasure, Ronald Reagan Administration suspended further supply F16 aircrafts to Israel.  Netanyahu may not take a calculated diplomatic conflict with US Administration at this point of time by repeating the past.

It took nearly two decades for the US to come up with a policy on nuclear proliferation that came to be known as Bush doctrine of 2002.

 National Security Strategy of 2002, also known as the Bush Doctrine, underlined a number of tools available for U.S. counter proliferation policy. Perhaps the most controversial is the preventive use of force against emerging nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons programs. By that time, Iraq had to struggle for long to revive the nuclear programme after the destruction of Osiraq facilities.  Menachem Begin Doctrine took shape with eight   F16 aircrafts did a pretty good job in little over 90 seconds without damages or losses to Israel. Bush doctrine took note of the strategy of Israel in developing the new doctrine of attacking the installations through minimum attack with limited time operation.

Menachem Begin, the then Prime Minister of Israel, was an excellent Military strategist of the time, was seemingly a continuation of Irgun for him.   The Israel Defence Force was shaped by Irgun.  He had been closely watching the Nuclear Programme of Iraq which started the reactor, almost a gift of the Soviet Union in 1968.  The expansion programme came to limelight after the reports of negotiations with France for another reactor, probably of gas graphite that would enable production of minimum for nuclear warheads every year. The negotiations could not succeed, yet, in 1975 France was in agreement   for 70 MW reactor research purposes, but it was enough for Iraq to talk loud about the Arab Atom Bomb in the process.  Even after Iraq had raised the budget for the nuclear programme and employed thousands of Scientist and took cues from the Soviets to evade surveillance, they could not make a bomb even by 1991.  The easiness in the Iraq operation was the success that   US could benefit from razing down of Osiraq,

In 2006, Israel found that Syria had made major headway in nuclear installations in the remote region of Dier ez Zor.  The then Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Olmert was keeping a watch on what was taking shape under the cover of Syrian – North Korean Diplomatic relations.  Yet there were reports of disagreements within Israel’s government on the technological expertise of Syria for such a venture. Finally, during the first quarter of 2007, when the Syrian Atomic Energy chief was in Vienna, Olmert gave orders to hack their computers. The result was quite convincing on the programme for a Syrian nuclear facility to the nature of  North Korean design. Olmert was determined to destroy Dier ez Zor plant at any cost. But, Israel was yet to recover from the 2006 war with Lebanon and was concerned about the adverse situation of possible escalation into war with Syria. It was feared that  in such a situation, Hezbollah would join Syria and will receive support from Iran. Olmert had to get clearance from George W Bush, who was facing backlash over the failures to find any weapons of mass destruction or manufacturing facilities in the 2003 war with Iraq.  Bush kept on delaying the matter, in the same manner as Joe Biden in the 2024 situation with Iran and Israel. On 07 September 2007, eight F16 aircrafts destroyed Dier ez Zor nuclear facility almost completely. Syria, a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty had to hide the reality and issued a statement that its forces repelled an air space violation by the Israel Air Force.  In 2018, Israel had admitted that it had destroyed the Nuclear Facility of Syria.

At the same time, Iran slipped into an agreement on the proliferation of nuclear energy, realizing the potential threat from the US and Israel.


“Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran was established by Shah in April 1974 during the world energy crisis to develop nuclear power in Iran on a top Priority basis.” A declassified document of  the US State Administration  dating to 15th April 1976   is narrative of the interests of Shah Government ,  The document reads “ The Government of Iran cultivates the impression that its ambitious programme to produce 23,000 MWe of nuclear power by 1994 is purely intended as an eventual alternative to thermal and  hydeo-elecric power and is no way intended to serve as base upon which to develop nuclear weapons capability.. Iran has signed and ratified the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and has accepted controls of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) over the nuclear installations and materials within its sovereignty.”

Another unclassified Documents of US defence highlights Shah Md Rez Phlavi  justifying the rights of small countries to arm themselves with powerful nuclear warheads.  Shah later denied any such talks on Iran longing for nuclear weapons, but was said to have been disappointed in the failure to acquire eight nuclear reactors.  Shah was consistent in his efforts for a successful nuclear programme and had negotiations with some European countries as well. India had timed the Nuclear test in such a way that would deter US from supporting the nuclear programmes of the Middle East countries and Pakistan.  However, Shah was ambitious to make Iran a SuperPower in the open and he changed his statements on Nuclear weapons quite frequently. The US became skeptical about the intentions of the Shah leading to the Iranian monarch inking the Proliferation Treaty. 

Intelligence Estimates US in August 1974, now declassified, had assumed that Israel had already produced Nuclear weapons by then.  After Shah was removed from power in 1979, the new theocentric Government pursued the nuclear programme. Until the change of power, Iran and Israel had military cooperation.  David Ben Gurion , the Prime Minister of Israel as early as the 1950s , embarked on closer ties with non- Arab Countries . The Gurion doctrine of   “Periphery Doctrine” perhaps seemed to convince Iran to recognize Israel. There years before, Iran had vehemently opposed the UN Security Council motion to divide Palestine into Arab and Jewish Countries.   The decision of Iran was more or less a new alignment against Soviet design of Pan Arab Nationalism mooted by Abdul Nasser.  The Countries that were opposed to the formation of Israel as a sovereign state had to come together. Peripheral Doctrine worked well for Israel to wriggle out of the Isolation, joining hands with Turkey, Ethiopia and Iran.  The military Coup of Iraq in 1968 and rise of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party brought matters to a more conflicting political situation equally for 1srael and Iran. Israel was already in the political scenario of Iraq in the fight of Kurds against the Iraqi Regime.  Israel-Iran and Turkey had formed a combined intelligence force to aid Kurds by 1958. The common Trilateral Intelligence Agency, the Trident paved way for military cooperation and exchanges between Israel and Iran.

Iraq had become a potential threat for Iran. Shah negotiated with US for the procurement of arms and Fighter Aircrafts. It is not certain whether Israel had looked into a probable setback as Iran would become self-reliant in its defence preparedness. Such a possibility under consideration of Israel would have   created a check on Iran in venturing into Iran through its deep penetration infrastructure. The design of Project Flower in 1977 would have been different if it was so.  Project Flower was the Joint programme of Israel and Iran to develop and produce an advanced missile system, under the agreement of Oil for Arms, almost little over a billion USD.  The Missile Technology development programme of Israel was in a way funded by Iran!  The extent of military cooperation grew to a larger extent between Iran and Israel even under the Khomeini regime. The potential threat from Saddam Hussain tightened their Bonds. Saddam Hussain left no stone unturned to boast about his ambitious nuclear programmes. His old enemy, a nuclear scientist (was released from Prison and was given a massive task of rebuilding the Nuclear Power plant.

 Prime Minister of Israel Menachem Begin reciprocated well on the shortfalls in the maintenance of US made Aircrafts that Shah had procured.  Disregarding US interests, the Israeli Prime Minister supplied to Iran much needed components.  The relationships between two countries became sour after Israel crossed Lebanon borders in 1982. Hezbollah gained considerably with this Israeli attack and in no time military cooperation between Iran and Israel ended, with age old hostilities and resurfacing the big “No to the Jewish State”, that too, after the death of Ayatollah Khomeini. By the turn of the millennium Israel became more convinced about the potential threat from Iran. Cooperation with Russian military and nuclear programmes, Iranian tactical support for Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthi changed the security perceptions of South West Asia. New frontiers opened with the Russian –Chinese North Korean axis, prompting Israel to act on Lebanon and Syria with all its superior intelligence machinery. 

The Nuclear Programme of Iran is centered around four of its facilities with the Atomic Research Station in the capital Teheran, Nuclear Energy Facilities in Bushher, the Uranium  plant of Isfahan and Fordow along with the Heavy water facilities at Arak. There have been reports that after a series of mishaps in the nuclear facilities they have tailor made the centrifugal facilities to such modules that can be dismantled and relocated in the event of a probable threat.

Israel seemingly was not fully trusting Iran on their Joint comprehensive Plan of Action –JCPOA of 2015, wherein, Iran conceded to reduce the size of its nuclear programme. However, this agreement was of some relief to Saudi Arabia, if not to Israel till 2018.  Donald Trump citing failures in overseeing the Agreement, the US withdrew from JCPOA. Few incidents led Tehran to reconsider the spirit of the agreement and   to enhance their Uranium enrichment capabilities. 

After the black out of the Natanz atomic energy Plant in July 2001, it became open to the world that the Iranian Uranium enrichment plant was built as an underground facility. However, the country did not reveal anything about the incident, other than terming it as an act of “nuclear terrorism”.  By then, Iran had lost patience as barely a year ago the Ishfan plant suffered a big explosion. The plant had locally made centrifuges, Such explosions had occurred in 2013 and 2014 in the other two nuclear installations as well. After the 2020 explosion, the Natanz plant was shifted to more inaccessible hilly terrains as Iran became suspicious about the US- Israel collaborative “Operation Olympic Games”. This Operation was cited to have been behind the Stucknex virus that damaged the computers and network system of Natanz nuclear facilities. Operation Olympic Games was the brainchild of George W Bush in 2006 to unleash a cyber war against the hostile countries feeding proxy war against US and its allies.

Tactical issues confront Israel to destroy the nuclear facilities of Iran. A tough country on the move would have underground micro modules in populated areas. Iran would go silent even if Israel strikes through other means. Three earthquakes in a row cannot be ruled out as a probable hit on the underground facilities or storages. 


Tuesday, June 20, 2023





International YoGa day 2023


International Yoga day, if not for any other reason, it has a relevance in the Indian Socio Political Contest. The first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, who garnered recognition and respect among the chaste Hindu Population of India, was perhaps; better aware of YoGa than the present Prime Minister who worked for the International recognition of YoGa. Nehru used to send a letter every month to the Chief Ministers of the states.  In one of the letters which Anaya Banerjee has dealt at length, Nehru addressed the relevance of Vedanta Philosophy.  Immediately as Narendra Modi gained his position in getting the UN declaration 21 June as the International day, Congress that ruled India for over 60 years, suddenly felt the jolt. Stories surfaced on the initiative of Nehru in including YoGa as a part of health education. His pictures in YoGa posture rolled out of dust.  

For Nehru, YoGa seemingly was nothing more than exercise. If the quotes found here and there are true, -

“Among my exercises one that pleases me particularly is the Shirshasana, standing on the head with the palms of the hands, fingers interlocked, supporting the back of the head, elbows on the floor, body vertical, upside down. I suppose physically this exercise is very good; I liked it even more for its psychological effects on me. The slightly comic position increased my good humour and made me a little more tolerant of life’s vagaries.”

The “Comic Position” as he narrates cannot be taken so lightly, though another quote renders a better narrative on the insight of Nehru:

The Yoga system of Patanjali is essentially a method for the discipline of the body and the mind leading up to psychic and spiritual training,”


If Nehru intended to get YoGa as a subject of health education in India, how did the Government of India fail to take a single step in over sixty year sixty years of Congress Regime?

Truth is that Nehru and the Congress was caught in the electoral diplomacy of religious appeasement.   YoGa and the Indian knowledge systems under the political consideration became the proprietary and property of the Hindus. Vedas, YoGa Sutras, Tantras, Astrology, Siddha, Ayurveda all became Hindu traditions and ancient knowledge. A conflict was created to prove that these scriptures have no scientific base, and are only for religious purposes.

Political system of India, after the theocentric partition had no strength to declare that these knowledge systems are Indian and every citizen of the country have to know and understand the cardinal testaments and treatises indigenous to India. That is where secularism of the Country would have had a meaning and sense of belonging. Secularism is not about giving preference and special status to religions, but in creating a sense of belonging to the cardinal foundation of what India is. Indianness or Bharatiyata is deep rooted in the inheritance of the country. The freedom through partition of India meant it.

The fear of a conflict and communal divide over enforcing anything of Indian origin in the governmental system could be seen as a reason to exclude the Indian systems out of the government.  However it completed the destruction of the scientific base and values of Indian Systems that began with the conquests from the west, beginning with the Macedonians and ended with the British. However, Germans are said to have safeguarded some valuable scriptures, which they took out of the Indian Subcontinent.

The system of YoGa, is not limited to the YoGasanas, including the Comic Position of Nehru.  YoGa is set into motion by creating and expanding the human faculties and by creating an independent system of biological timing of one’s own.  Two basic theories are Criticality of Limitation and Self-supporting –Self Sustaining control mechanisms that are precisely a YoGi. The chronological impacts and impairments of time do not affect a Yogi, so does the weather and the changing seasons.

The system of faculty development of a YoGi is set into motion with the development of the Biogenic Energy field. This leads to the development of the probe system, which is an extra cranial function. The biogenic energy system is modulated into an Emitter and Collector or Vikshepa and Akshepa mechanism. The signals received do not have a language and are transcribed and translated into one’s own language. The system used in all such information is called Dhwani, a complex Sound laid along a time scale.  

If at all YoGa is to be a part of the health Sciences, as a subject for MBBS or BAMS,   should it be for the health of the doctors? Or to prescribe some Aasanaas for patients in certain cases? Or is it for cultivating certain Indian Values?

If a systematic approach is made in incorporating the system of YoGa, the answer would be a big “No” for all the questions.

The basic purpose and objective of YoGic System as a curriculum would be to develop the probe system. It would enable the Doctors to see the whole energy spectrum of the patient and can have a preliminary diagnosis. This is what the Dashan or Darshanam. Here in conversation is to confirm the symptoms.  If further required would be Sparshan or Sparshanam. The touch of the neuromuscular Plexus or Naadi. The touch enables us to get into the history of the patient and more on the genesis of the pathologic condition. Depending on the state of evolved faculties, the doctor can see the probable developments that can happen for 4 to 6 months or more. If all these processes of diagnosis are not satisfactory, he can go for tests or Pareeksha.

Darshanam, Sparshanam, Bhashanam and Pareeksha are the four stage diagnoses of a practitioner of healing. A YoGi is a Siddhi on its own.  It would be like an internship of practicing the YoGic system to develop Siddhis, and to be an efficient practitioner.  A doctor would have to sit against facing the sun and as the patient walks in, the spectrum becomes visible. There is a marked difference between the Biogenic Energy Field Vision of   the YoGic Siddha and kirlian photograph or polygraph, and the Aura.  Colour pattern identification and opaque zones, and the thoughts of the patient all become clear in the YoGic Vision. The time of a thought and the crystallization into a language and whether any deviation between the thought and expression can all be understood by the YoGic Siddha.

It needs the entire YoGa Sutra to be decoded and translated into proper disciplines along with the therapeutic formulations.  If the Government and the influential intellectuals who are advisory to the government consider it as philosophy and the Aasanaas alone would be the ultimate, nothing can change.

Delinking the Indian Systems from the Brahminical and Religious domains and to work out the scientific base and derivations from the YoGa Sutra and Vedas, needs a strong will and determination of the Political leadership. Sruti as they are have their own formation and codes.  The resonance based application that is set into a dynamics begins with Gayatri, which can control the environment.

May India arise and awaken into a realm of new Vision and Dimension.




Sunday, June 18, 2023

LEADERSHIP - Planned Economic Growth




In real life greatness is realized after death, when people feel a vacuum.  Values and worthiness of a Person/nel is felt after they relinquish the offices.

 In Politics, has anyone felt about such a vacuum after a Prime Minister or the President demits their offices? When people elect and continue to reelect, is it absolutely based on the value and worthiness of the goods and services delivered?

No autobiography of those who are considered as “Great” talks about their death with a ‘Great Difficulty’. From rags to riches is the portrayal of the trajectory, great leaders read under the street lights, walked miles to borrow a book, did labor, worked on daily wages to earn a living and to study, and as  street vendor…

The fame and rising to power is the death of   people, who have hopes for a better living through them.  The desires and urges of the elite peers and those at the grassroots are the same. The first tier is across the table where the last of the peers are mere spectators and listeners.  As long as the first and the last remain so, the leader has got his value and worthiness.

The effectiveness of the leadership is the dynamics of holding both the ends at the place. Those who sit across the table are those who have a share in the control over the factors determining the subsistence of power. Those who have the financial strength to have the strength of their voice to keep the eyes and ears of the leadership open and the distance gradually narrows down. From shaking hands to breakfast and working dinner meetings. The equation in this case is devoid of consistency or equilibrium of any kind. Most or all of these have the largest workforce in the country.  The failure of corporate power in diverting the workforce into a consolidated vote bank in the electoral process is the main reason for their assertiveness in political power on the economic ground.

Nearly 20 largest employers in the private sector with over 18 lac employees. Average family strength of India if taken as 6, Total electoral strength of these establishments would 1.08 crore direct voters. Indirect employment in such a case may average not less than   800 persons, including street vendors, Taxi- auto drivers, workshops, general sales and store keepers and a labor force in the peripheral fringes, adding the strength of the electorate to 16000, enough to be a decision maker in the constituency. The industrial establishments itself can have as many as 15 Lok Sabha Constituencies. If Industrial and Institutional establishments scattered at different states create electoral constituencies and send well versed managerial persons with sound knowledge in planning and coordinated development, it would be a new beginning in the country.   

An industry employing ten thousand persons would be adequate to create an economic centre and regime within itself.  Demand for housing, food, essentials, tobacco, alcohol, health services, hospitals and transport and other public utilities. The labor requirement extends to Home services like home maids, gardeners, and small farming communities.

Where did our industry and administration fail?

The administration gives clearance for design, pollution Control, Industrial waste disposal and safety standards. Chemicals or raw materials which are transported into and out of the factory premises would require a separate environment along with the transit of persons. Further, the visitors, trading groups all will contribute towards the swinging population. Entertainment, recreation and open places for people to rest, children to play, Educational facilities, workshops, skilled, semiskilled and unskilled human resources all gradually will grow in strength.  The concept of spacing is positioning of people within an administrative structure. This forms the basis of Administrative management. Energy requirement and the trajectory of growth in energy requirement for the growth in production and productivity should have its own positioning in a planning process.  The crunch of natural resources and the sourcing out and such futuristic costs will bring burden on the administration.  Sewage, potable water, water requirements for cleaning and irrigating public parks, household gardens , automobiles,  washing and other utilities of domestic and commercial processes would also grow proportionately over the period of time. If the production escalates beyond a calculated time period, the pressure factor on the administrative system also will collapse.

Such a collapse of administrative plan failures becomes evident in every city and township in India.  The best examples are Bangalore and Pune.  The Peenya industrial estate began in the 1970s as a trendsetter in India. By mid 1970s the high precision technologies that took entry in India was the beginning of futuristic nuclear, space and avionic technology development.   Hassan the nearby district grew phenomenally in the next decade; the district has as many as over 3200 manufacturing units, beginning with the Space for ISRO. The total number of educational and Professional institutions in the district altogether may not be found in some states of India.

Nearby Coimbatore in Tamilnadu state is another indicator in the steady Industrial growth, beginning in the latter part of 19th century.  Tirupur, before truncating from Coimbatore District became the centre of Textile Industry, Coimbatore grew as a major industrial centre manufacturing heavy machineries, Diesel Engines, printing press and several electrical and electronic components. Coimbatore – Tirupur-  Nagapatnam  became another major hub for  industrial Production and Information Communication Technology.

Indore, Devas, Gwalior, Bhopal, Jabalpur and Sagar developed at a pace that could bring Madhya Pradesh to the green belt of Industrial Production and employment. Every major industry has their foot print in Madhya Pradesh.  Mandideep becomes a unique experiment in Industrial growth in the deep interior of India. 

How does the administration cope with the fast pace of Industrial growth?  

Detailed Project report of any Industrial unit should have led into the existing societal structure, amenities and facilities available in the Project Area.  All DPRs talk loud about the land, resources, climate, and factors favourable for the unit, scope of employment followed by technical details, feasibility, viability, market, marketing strategies and the budgeting.   Wherever displacement of inhabitants is required it would address the rehabilitation and financial incentives to establish in the relocated areas.

All the Industrial centres had a humble beginning, bringing in workers and expertise drawn from other places of the state and from the state.  A new cultural zone and alien food and living habits take its roots. Slowly, other industries are attracted.  From the 1980s, Industrial Centres, Industrial Growth centres, Industrial estates, Industrial parks and economic zones have become a part of the Urban Development and Industrial planning of almost every state.

Few square kilometer areas of Agricultural lands are acquired and divided into Industrial areas, Institutional Areas, Residential and Business Areas.   Lanes and by lanes and roads within these demarcated zones do not hold the traffic requirement  once the area becomes 60% or little more fully developed. Main connecting roads become congested and the expansion of National and State Highways do not correspond to the load of traffic at peak hours. 

Indian society does not rely on public transport. Most of the public transport systems have a minimum comfort level and prolonged waiting time.   In the past 20 years the ownership of automobiles. The growth of Production and sales of passenger vehicles in India was not proportional to surface area growth and traffic holding capacity of the roads, India had no projection of a long term planning in the infrastructure and administrative planning. By the time facilities are upgraded, the requirement would be far ahead and the imbalance widens. The expenditure of the government in infrastructure development leads to loans and borrowings, interest and repayment pressures.   The wrong and defective planning of decade would lead to a   negative growth and fiscal constraints in every plan period,

India never had a long term budgetary projection for 50 years with a decadal and four year term of Governments and annual plans accordingly. 

India needs an effective local Planning, Administration and Resource Management system that are functional and self-sustaining.  The process should have come into force from 1952, the time when the financial system began to collapse.  The political system relied on intellectual faculties who were excellent theoreticians with adequate practical experience to defeat the five year plans they had conceived. The rolling plan period was the right time for India to wake up from the sleep, yet failed.

India does not fall under a generalized economic theory. India was never a poor country or the people would not have faced hunger and poverty. We have a political leadership that does not have any basic idea of Policy making and has an executive that lives in a world of illusions.  What they think is the best, and then comes a scholastic class of academicians who can address any issue, and are good in quoting and interpretation. India missed Original ideas, initiatives and innovations.




Sunday, June 20, 2021






Part 1:

MB Krishna Kumar


This  forms the first part of the schematic derivation of the Yoganusaassanam. Contents published earlier   in the series “Doctrine of Yoga” have been incorporated in this series.


Introductory Note:

It is pertinent to have an idea on the period of origin, features, classification, meaning, applications and the values of an undated scripture. Calendar followed by various races world over were either lost or became void with the western calendar systems.  It is often difficult to calculate the exact period of origin of   streams of knowledge, as identical recurrences in constellations and cycles have occurred many a times in the past.  Here, only way to understand the period of origin of stream of knowledge is through language format and the schemes with which they were originally structured. The same applies to the stream of YoGa.

Why was the system of YoGa developed?

We have four well defined periods or YuGa of transitions in the Universal Drift with respect to the planetary systems.  The First period  or Yuga is noted with the Social organization Prakrit and Krita ( Archaic Period where Public welfare and Management systems were created). The  second Yuga Treta or ( Truncation of Public administration in three  defined branches – Home Affairs or Internal Defense, External Defence, and Public Administration,  The Third Period begins with Governance and sets in permanent agriculture with the development of irrigation canals and Public works . The period came to be called  Dwapara YuGa (age of Dualities) where excessive production and wealth of nations proved to be disastrous and the age is claimed to Dwapara YuGa ends with a massive war. The fourth age begins with the dark period of history  of transitions to revive the human race  Period of Budding or Kali YuGa. 


Indigenous system of Knowledge the Vedas remained as the cardinal foundation for sociopolitical transformations and revival of the human race that led to the process of humanization and permanent settlements  termed as Purohitam

The streams of knowledge systems created by the schools of Brahmarishis (Progenitors of the Vedic system were considered as those of the Highest order of the Munis and Sages revered as Brahma rishis) have inlaid schemes and systems to transcribe and translate those works. Such works categorized as the “Sruti” (the Audible) had its complementary subsystems stylized for rendering collectively called as the ‘Vang”.  The meters and scales used were with specific values and the same notations will have as many meanings and implications inlaid through such permutation combinations.  The same implies for “Yoganusaassanam” or Yoga Sutra believed to be created by Padthhanjali Schools.

The question here is why was YoGa created?

YoGa stream was developed to answer the need of a knowledge system on the astrophysical impact on human beings. The changes in the Universal Drift and drift in the orbital patterns of the solar system have its bearing on the life and human behavioral response or stimulations. The changes in the wave dynamics and interstellar forces and gravitational changes would lead to neural and physiological aberrations. With the changes in the Astrophysical parameters, as with other animals, human structure and organ functions undergo systemic changes. It required a scientific analysis and methodology to sustain the equilibrium and to keep alive the normal functioning. That which eliminates the deleterious impact of the chronological progression of time- the YuGa, can be termed as the YoGa.  YoGa constitutes the faculties of knowledge dealing with the process to create self-sustainable independent physio-anatomical human systems.  .

When we take up YoGa as a stream of independent knowledge system, it is essential to understand its scheme and structure of the communication system incorporated.  While explaining such a stream, it is a trend to be annotated or illustrated with the precedent or the contemporary knowledge streams at a given point of time. Utility and objectivity of learning a subject can only be derived by confining to the same, rather than getting into comparisons, contrasts and correlation with other works and disciplines. The Yoganusaassanam is complete within itself and it is not necessary to rely on any other streams to illustrate or explain the applications. There can be instances that can substantiate the application in later periods. But that cannot be construed to limit the scope and understanding on Yoganusaassanam.

Every school of the Indian Subcontinent incorporated Yoga into their streams, including Bhakti to Vedanta. In the process, Yoga itself became interpreted in a multitude of ways.  However, in later periods, none of these schools could reinvent the schemes of Yoganusaassanam what is today called as the Padthhanjali Yoga Sutra.  Discipline of YoGa, the Yoganusaassanam was developed during the period of Brahma rishi Atri. School of Atri was one of the pioneering institutions that worked on the functions of life processes and factors that determine the healthy living that later on became a part of Ayurveda.  Padthhanjali system of YoGa truncated from the Atri School and became an independent school in the later periods.

The Schools of Padthanjali created systematized scientific practices of the Yogic stream of Health Care and Life Management, A precursor understanding that was prerequisite to be an Ayurveda Practitioner.

Ayurveda is a noninvasive system of ethno medicine inherited by various lineages across the length and breadth of the subcontinent, which eventually became disorganized during the period of invasions and subjugations.


The system of YoGa is an “Anusaassanam” in the complex form that is an “Understanding” developed through systematic processes of learning.  Learning is treated as a gradational linear process leading to the creation of a complex state of Understanding. 


Learning and Understanding:

1.     Learning ensures the fitness for a predetermined track and track, whereas, understanding makes one apply the rationale of learning into test and resolve matters.


2.     Learning is a linear progression under specific conditions. Understanding is a series of independent spikes under varying time scales along a multitude of planes under static and shifting paradigms. 


3.     Learning is a resolve between “Yes” or “No” with eliminating the probable. Learning leads to functioning with dependency, relying on inputs from various sources, whereas, understanding is the capability to assimilate pieces of information, simultaneously order them in a proper way, and reposition them and to function independently.


4.     Learning culminates into success or Failure. Understanding is smooth sail irrespective of currents and tides and is all about achievements.


5.     . Learning leads to assessment as the end result-. Understanding is continuous and gathers momentum.


6.     Learning is leaning, i.e., dependency, is participatory. Leaning is utilization of space, leaning is attachment.  Understanding is self-sustainability.


7.      Learning is filling the available space, Learning is regulatory, creating ego to the end, Learning is limited temporal operation, and understanding is opening up and creating of space.


8.     Learning is all about what others have learnt, understanding is realization of what is not learnt through learning.


9.     Learning is the apt fitness with respect to an existing or near future demand. Understanding is about molding the demands and creates the need of futuristic learning.


10.         Learning is an uphill task, Understanding is the driving force.


11.          Learning is about what in sight, and perceived, whereas Understanding leads to vision.   


The process of creating Understanding is YoGa,  the difference is drawn between the cranial function of “Chithha”  the conditioned system of learning and that “Mana” the systematized Understanding that will serve as a template system. The templates can be transcribed and translated into information modules to realize the multitude of dimensions incorporated with inlaid  specific schemes constitutes basis of Sruti format.

Sruti or the Audible Component becomes pertinent as each sound is a complex system resolved along the dimensions it accrues in contrast to alphabets and script formats. This intricacy produces a scheme of rendition with a visual component of gestures, timing and positioning that gives it a numerical value.  Therefore terminologies encoded in the Sruti are fundamental theories of the discipline. It is here that the principles or Tat- Va, is construed. Ta- aT – Va- is a function of time or  a temporal operation  with respect to the numerical value, thus affixing a definite structure and configuration. This the basic tool with which a specific subject or a discipline can be understood. Aggregate of understanding is Knowledge. Aggregate of Knowledge is wisdom and Aggregate of wisdom is the Trait and Aggregate of Trait is inheritance, the Samskara.  Samskara denotes the acquired characteristics that are encoded into the genetic system of each generation that are inherited as the cumulative unit in succession. YoGa, is the process of creating cumulative characteristics of desired nature that are acquired and inherited. 

Understanding is absorbance , when systematized within oneself is Knowledge and  understanding on  Knowledge is Wisdom. Understanding  and Knowledge is inward process while Wisdom is  an expression that reflects outwards.


This was a declaration, hereon, everything shall be  based on Aksharam- letters or alphabets. This marks the transition from Dhwani  of Vang format of Sruti to the age of  Linear representations or Rekhankitam  Scriptures. Did standardization of Sounds to representative lines had universal acceptance by the ruling classes? or was it a mutual understanding reached between the Sages of the time? The standard format would have been Rekhankitam, or linear representation, the mother of all scripts

Diversification of  knowledge begins with the declaration of script form, marks the beginning of learning. Learning is the art of interpretation, analysis, annotations transforming the brain into bulk of thesaurus and dictionary on the understandings. Understanding is in abstract form, an array of thought processes expressed through abstract form, in graphic scheme of S’ruti’. S’ruti’ is a single sound or Dhwani. Dha’ is the wisdom a cumulative expression of Intellect and knowledge-the understanding.  Categorization of  ‘Sruti’ the “audible” and -Smriti or “Memorable”   became distinctive with the mandatory tenet that here on everything has to be expressed through ‘letters”.

Whether it is  Sruti or Smriti, both are is derived from “r’ta” or periodic function that is truthful. The first ever definition of Truth as “R’tam Cha Satyam” finds its expression in the later period. “R’ta” is periodic process, All periodic functions create sequences or wave forms, with self-organized periodicity. Here the  scheme of Sruti  is well illustrated.

Vedic streams  originated at a period when none of today’s languages had crystallized. Arrays of understandings were expressed through a “ formative sound” which was complete within itself. Its explanation came through the dimensions in which such sounds were expressed. The units of such expressions in definitive formations came to be called as  “R’twick. R’twicks designated in  specific Graphic formations, render along their assigned time scale with notations, minute nuances variations in nuances with takeoff and landing scales.. Such Process of “r’ta’   in a  systematic wave form was set as “S r’Ti” – the “Sruti”.

When these became written, such “R’ta” became complicated to represent. Brahmi,   Nagari and Devanagari fell within the limited scope of letters and phonetics. Plain and linear structure of the languages and scales could not be ample enough to represent the dimensions of the Vedic scheme.

Vyasa schools also faced this intricateness and seemingly had to incorporate illustration along with, thus Sanskritizing the Vedic Sruti. The original schemes of Sruti lie scattered  in the written form. Todays  “R’G” or “R’K” Veda is Vyasa Veda. The same format of R’G  can be seen in its extension of or Agama of  YoGa System.


YoGa -The principles:


(a)               Dynamics.


Most often, all Indian philosophies deal with detachment and liberation. Yet, these do not address complete detachment or liberation from physical existence and normal functions that explicit for survival.  Celibacy and abstinence of monastic ways expound new phases of life with a new name, outlook and perception, which are meant to  deprive  oneself of material world. Monasticism itself is a nascent materialistic world of its own kind. Liberation is binding to anything, which may not be a part of normal course of life. So, are the stages of life in the normal course which is also called Ashram or monasticism Celibacy is often misconstrued with Brahma Charya, the first Ashramic or monastic state. Second is Grihastha, it also counted as family way of life raising progeny and establishing oneself anchored to family, third is Vanaprastha, the time for touring around and last is Sanyas or denouncing worldly life.  The last part of normal life, if taken up during the adolescent age of Brahmacharya is also Sanyas, confining to a monastic life. Monasticism is a new world order, so is the compartmentalization of the life into four stages or Ashrama dharmas which serves as a devising to create a new order in life. Many of the Brahminical sect had the eldest member  leading a life in denouncement, committed to the traditions and  practices, imparting the knowledge to the  successive generations,. These ideals that took later entry had made adaptations and modifications in every stream and innovated indigenization.

The basic schools were destroyed and such outsmarting intelligentsia enjoyed the patronage of ruling class and became privileged classes. The centralized schemes underlying the knowledge systems began to rout with this age of commentators   with annotative skills. Soon, the epics and the treatises became blended and merged paving way for religious interpretations with the decline of empires and kingdoms followed by invasions and dominance of external religions.

It is with this background that YoGa is also illustrated for centuries and reached the stage where it is today.  Only way to unravel the scientific base and operationalization   of YoGa is possible through working out the schematic pattern of its progenitor. It is quite possible that, like any other works of the period, treatise of YoGa too has been inserted with the imprints and insertions of various other schools or lineages and is in the corrupt form,  it will be a tough task to derive the original format from the available  materials in the script form.

All Sruti formats do not have any introduction or prayers or invocation to any Gods or deities and directly deals with the subject. They do not have the stamp of the prefix “OM”, to say it is a pre epic creation. Therefore, explanations are not be founded on any religious context, it is purely a societal proprietary and so is YoGa.

Yo is the measure of distance and Ga is the movement. YoGa is the Technology of  Dynamics.  The devising of a synchronized state of dynamics of Universe, environment and the  human beings set in specific time scale of its own is what make YoGa an independent discipline. It incorporates an analytical approach into the functions of the planetary systems and the position of the earth and the motion of the  solar system. It is here that YoGa introduces the wave form mechanics of positioning of the entire universe,  orbits and the universal drift.  The YoGa is the threshold level of net qualitative and quantitative efficiency of human beings to exist as an independent functional system in the earth. Such an independent system is free from the effect of fields, waves and motions of the earth, free from circadian rhythm of the planet.  

 YoGa was developed during the Prakrita or Proterozoic    period, as the period of origin is between the period of galactic period of Aschita, the formation of 12 suns, or galactic systems central to the solar systems and Ita’ra’tra-  to the onset of dark age setting in the first Glaciation.    This accounts for the  deviation in the orbital cycle and the rotations the solar system had a period of  irregular motion. 

YoGa Anusassanam, expounds  “Axial Theory”. Process of life with the geo-position in relation to   the stellar bodies including the planetary systems. Axial theory gave rise to  the “Wave Dynamics”. Wave dynamics relies on the waves of forces that hold the bodies in position, that accounts for  three distinctive motions- (i) Universal drift, (ii) periodic motions that are orbital around the sun and the spin motions and (iii)The drift within the solar system. Third  drift confines to satellites and the planets moving away from each other and tend to deflect from the regular orbital pattern.  The impact of  these transitions in nature and living systems is the basic concept that is indoctrinated as YoGa. It draws an interrelationship between the temporal operations of life and that of  the planetary systems. Life is treated as a linear system  drawn along a time scale, with the ascending scale of growth reaching a peak point from where it descends to a critical point to termination. 

Therefore, YoGa is to be understood and illustrated in accordance with the inlaid   process of regulation and dynamics of life to extrapolate its   procedures of Clinical Management.

The methodology to understand YoGa Anusaassanam of Padthhanjali Maharishi  is incorporated  the scheme  to decode  the name of the author  “ Padthhanjali”. The same scheme would be the tool to decipher the scientific basis of the Yoganusaassanam.

YoGa itself is an  “Anu –Saasa- Anam”.

Sa + asa is breathe. Anu is that which follows, and Anam is the dynamics or movement. YoGa is the dynamics associated with every breath. The body is  conceived as   a   system that is “continuously programmed”  with every breathe. Every instance of this programming is a ‘state’ or “condition” that is called as “aasanam’.

It can be derived from:

SaaSa – Anam.

Saasa is governing  or controlling –

Sana – is period, or time , age ,chronological progression of age.

Anam  is management

Therefore, Saasa or breathing is the governing factor of the chronological progression of age and Sasanam is the  Management of the  Respiratory Functions. It is drawn from the fact that the Oxygenation of the blood and cardiac functioning is interrelated that determines the regulated flow of blood to the brain and  other organ systems. Breathing and thought process is  also interrelated. Anxiety, worry and other states of neural conditions have influence in the breathing and cardiovascular functions. Therefore, the first process is the “Asanam “ or  management of the respiratory function.

“Anu” is the value with which a function is measured in terms of  its period. Here   Ga”,Anu”, is the  motion or movement defined in terms of time. “Dha” denotes the cranial functions including the faculties or intellect, as a constant value. Dha is imperative to. the faculties on a scale from “Aa”  or “Zero”  to a threshold level, numerically measured as  “Yo”,

The state of  “Dha” or intellectual faculties of who are into the  stream of “YoGa” is well defined. This serves as the guideline for the School and the criteria that is required to understand the discipline.  “Dtha”  is intellect of Understanding, knowledge, wisdom and  that is Budhi that includes Visualization or vision.   Here ‘Dtha’ is central between a common ascending and descending note that is “Aa”, therefore, Adtha, is the deciphering code for the scheme to understand Yoga sutra in its inherent graphic pattern, laid in tiers to draw the derivations..

Thereby, Aasanam   incorporates all the principles that govern and control continuous transitions of the body. Thus, the process of maintaining the physiological and anatomical structure and functioning of the with respect to Astrophysical dynamics in a specific order is collectively termed as”YoGa”.

“Sana” is lasting long or endurance,  Aasana is therefore the procedure to enhance the longevity in a specific state.

Therefore, YoGa Anusaas’ana is the  management of the principles   governing and controlling the entire systemic function of the body as an entity of the entire cosmos.  This will  lead to an understanding to align the life  to a particular state that is Yogic to eliminate the impact of chronological progression by inducing a time scale independent of the universe or the solar system.


Aas’an,: A’sa also means  blood, “ Aasa mouth, jaws. It clearly draws the interrelationship between the jaws- mouth and blood. It is to say, dietary is predetermined by the nature of the jaws and denture, and mouth decides the quality of blood.  Maintaining the diet  is  to be understood in terms of anatomical structure or the phenotype.

Therefore, breathe and food are two inputs of managing the life and longevity.

And so,  Adtha YoGa Anu Saassanam”


It is pertinent to understand the scheme with which a systematic stream is rendered. It is evident from the Scheme of R’G Veda that Vyasa Maharishi had incorporated with Gayatri and Madhuchhanda in the Agneyam.  Therefore, to decode the Sage of Yoganusaassanam, is the methodology to decode and understand the basic knowledge system of “The YoGa”, than creating hypothetical annotations and commentaries.


Dhta in Adhta when  rendered in Sruti ,  has Dha – as its component-  Dhta with  Y’a or YoGa. Produces “Dhtaya”- 


‘Dhtaya’ implies that the same verse or the verses have   more than  one derivations  on rendering, which is a  Yantra or Graphic  representation with all its dimensions. This can be realized by spacing and setting the timing of rendition along scale of sounds, and hence is in the Graphic format, that further as:-


"अथ योगानुशासनम्"| ( Adtha YoGaanusaasanam)  is an Octamere , of eight Sounds in a single formation.  It depends on the takeoff  and landing notes and  the number of persons involved in rendering together with the nuances applied that produces the graphic format .

Octameric sequences of sounds, stands as one of the greatest innovations- the reason behind the continuity of the Indian knowledge systems and the contiguity with  nature. Octamere  in permutation combination based on principles of ‘Tat” or Tatva (the principle). If any knowledge system is to be inehrited it has to be acquired by the genetic system. The genetic system is triplet based in function, gave rise to the concept of Trike  and the whole system is enveloped by a sheath of octamere as that of the genetic system in the natural state.  The structuring of the Sruti as format is thus in   palindromic symmetry with the human genetic system as a cosmic thread.

The vibrations so produced are harmonic and in synchronization with octameric sheath of the genetic system, to unwind and initiate a temporal operation. Brahmarishis had a clear insight into core of the living system.

Therefore, to understand the format of YoGa and to transcribe the encoded scheme in Sruti format, the first step is to  decode the name of the Sage central to the School from which it evolved. Here, it is believed to be Padthhanjali Maharishi, but nowhere his name has been deciphered. Like the Sruti format that of Vedas, from which YoGanusaasanam has been derived, there is no indication of the scheme laid in the work.

 This has to be derived from the first key sound of“ Adtha”

It cannot be  simply assumed or interpreted that The Yoga Sootra  beginning with “ Adtha” is meant to be  “now or therefore, the Graphic format of rendering  in r’ta format delivers it in the R’tm  (s’ms’kr’tm)

Derivations :-

Ayadtha Gata Sa' Namna

Gato dha Ayadha

 Ayadtha Anu Gata dha,

 Manasa Sa Aasana,

Tat’ Dhim YoGa ,

Adtha Yoganusaasanam



The Sage Padthhanjali:


(a)             Ayadtha Gata Sa' Namna


अयथ – Feet , Gata- Moves, Goes : Padth (पथ् ),  Nam'na- salute with  offering    (अञ्जलि)):  Padthanjali. Sa Na - Offering as.


Signature of  Sage Padthhanjali is inscribed in  the very first verse itself, and it is not merely laid as a statement to set into motion the stream of Yoganusaasanam.


Deriving the author from the scheme is the test to  prove the methodology  of elucidating the  scientific base of the knowledge incorporated in the confluence (samyogam) of sounds atuned in the form of a musical note in the Sruti format.



(b)             Gato dha Ayadtha-


Ga' ( movement) , Gat'- incorporate, follows (Anu Gat)   Dha (senses, Intelligence) Aya (value  of four).  Adtha: (ad' tha)  Consumption.


Four directions are incorporated leading to the development of intelligence and senses for the "Consumption". Knowledge through activation of senses and intelligence moves in a  direction and acquires four values- अनुगत (Anu Gat'). The four values are:


(1)       Development of extraneous senses and intelligence  (Jjaana )


(2)       Development of speech and acts (Nada- Dhwani- Sabda-)


(3)      Realization of the powers of organs and Organ Systems( Anga-Upanga)


(4)        State of cosmic existence. (Brahmatva)


Anugat is the processes that are consecutive to one another in a sequential order to develop the Knowledge to delink from geo-physical attributes and to attain Cosmic existence.    

(c)Manasa Sa Aasana:

“Sana” is  lasting long,  Aasana is therefore the procedure to enhance the longevity in a specific state.  Aasana or Posture is a formation of the body along with  the mind.  Mind (Manah’) is a quantified term proportionate in size and form having identical structure.    Inner body is the mind and outer body is the physical structure.  Realization of separate existence of the two forms inwardly and outwardly and keeping a balance in maintaining them without drift in positions is  Aasana.  The anatomical structure and physiological functioning of the “Mind” is  detailed in the YoGa anusaasssana


(d)Tat’ Dhim YoGa: Principles of knowledge systems is YoGa.

Dhi- is  cranial power or intellect. Tat- is the principles of the intellectual faculties of the YoGa. The nervous system is attenuated to a coordinated functioning though a set of principles to create a self-defined and controlled state of functioning is YoGa.  YoGa is set as a time based function, delinks one from the impact of Circadian rhythm and the effect of motion of the planetary system.

1.     2  Chitta Vrutti  - Na Ir- O-Dha


Chitta Vritti- Continuous Course of thoughts, State of Mind, emotions, discursive thoughts, disposition of Soul Niirodha- Suppression or Annihilation of Pain,

Nirodha –



Cha ita Vritta iti

Ita Vritta nir Odha

Rita eva Chitta

Ritim NiVritti Chitaa

Chit Tava Riti Nir Odha


Cha-ita – Cheta is nerve cells

Cha –ta- Vritta- Information or stimulus  fed to neural system


It is from here that the nomenclature for nervous system takes its origin in the Indian systems. Chitta  is  a composite term to incorporate spinal or sympathetic nervous system and central nervous system.  A clear distinction is drawn between Mind and the Nervous system. The central scheme of Graphic formations was therefore visualized with the nuclear structure of the Nerve.  Cha- ita is a function that is based on the external stimuli in reciprocation. Memory is a function of Chitta or brain, the expression of which is Dhi.


Cha-ita-Vritta iti – is the  composite structure of the nervous system that functions in response to the inputs. So the Vriitaa or the subject or the thematic content of input is that decides the  development and function. It explains the process of learning that is conditioning of the brain. 


Chaita vritti involves voluntary functions of the  body and therefore,


“Ita Vritta nir Odha”: 


Nir- is indicative of the Volume or the value that can be held in the Odha- the Reservoir.  The holding capacity of the nervous system is the  “ita” the memory power, that is Viritta, to be cyclic.  Virtta is an enclosed structure with a  defined space with no corners or angles. The memory power is to be considered as ­:


“Rita eva Chitta”


“Ru”- “ita”-  is the law of the sequential order of memory  based on inputs or learning.


The process of learning is conditioning of the  entire nervous system through a systematic cyclic process. Learning is in units and is in the pattern of complete circles.


Learning is a linear process with time. Subjects learned in a definitive period is a ‘Ruta’. Here one course or Rita is equal to the quantum of learning. This  process  involves time lags  and gaps, with a definitive beginning and end.  That is the thematic learning, which is complete within itself.  It is not essential that whatever is learnt is completely retained or stored in the nerves. Linear pattern of learning can include several subjects  one after the other, each subject indicates a “Ruta’ or periods.


The principle of learning here is the activation of the nervous system, in which the whole body system is involved, is not confined to or limited to listening to or  seeing. Learning is interlinked with body organs and its movements, positioning and in transition. All the senses  are equally involved. This is why learning is an Yajjna or Systematic process to be encoded in the nervous system as unit. Such units configure the understanding, the process called Chitta Vritti forming  Nirodha or Reservoir knowledge or a Faculty.


Understanding is the systematic process to  transform every individual into reservoir of  streams of  discipline or streams of many fold disciplines. Whatever is understood is stored in the “Chitta” or the nervous system as it is, without any change in in its physical structure, therefore, Understanding is a permanent transformation.


And So, YoGaCh hitta vrutti Nirodha:

Aschita:  Asta’ chit’ tvam  Aschita:


Asta’  is to be understood in conjuncture  with “Aadra” and the transition to “Punarvasu” in the seventh house of lunar Cycle. Adra represents the full moon day when Lord Siva transferred Yogic power to seven persons who later on became the most prominent group of Sages known as Sapta Rishis.   The next day, Punarvasu marks the birth of twelve Adityas or derivatives of the Sun to Sage Kashyapa and Aditi.  There used to be a practice adopted to ascribe knowledge systems  in the name of  offspring of the innovators


Punarvasu, the seventh day accrues significance as it marks the day on which twelve major streams of knowledge on the galactic and the solar system and were developed by sage Kshyapa  and his wife Aditi.  Again, Aschita implies the larger understanding on the cosmic sciences and synchronizing life activities and functions in consonance with the cosmic time scale. 


Va- rut-  Tei – vrutti


Va indicates unit of time- Rut- is seasonal tei- functions- Vrut (Va Rut)- the functions of the body in every unit time.   Aschita vrutti imply those functions that continue happen in  a scale of  progression  included Temporal operations of the body that are beyond the control of senses called as involuntary functions.


VA- Rut- tvaei- Vrutti –  Vrutti  ,


 Rut  also indicate alls such  actions that requires  effort, force, energy or power. 


Vrutti is Vrut’ Ati , Vrutta  is enveloping , circle, Zero


Ati - extreme, time. 


Aschita tva  ruta tva ei -  Vrutti


Therefore, YoGa has certain pre requisites in terms faculties of knowledge on involuntary functions. Such spontaneous actions are inherent and pre-determined properties of organ systems are defined as Aschita or involuntary functions.


Aschita- ta tva – curtailing the impact of seasons or time on involuntary functions is an elementary principle of  YoGa. Therefore, YoGa sets in a timing of its own through the control over involuntary functions are Yogaschittavrittinrodha.


Aschita essentially is an ‘unmindful’  state flowing like a river  in accordance with the  seasons (Rutu) uninterrupted (Nirodha)- That is,  YoGa curtails the impact of time. Emphasis is laid on the controlling powers  to delink from the perimeters of chronological time and to set into  a synchronized time with that of the cosmic systems – a process to attain universality and a unique identity. Such a mind cannot be interrupted or distracted by the changes of seasons or other Geophysical process.  Functional potencies and effect of YoGa is to set in a new temporal operation arresting all conventional process and taking control by the system of “Mind” and so:-


1.3.         Tadaa drushtu swaroope – Avastaanam



Tad’ Aadra  Ushta

Ud’a adaT’ ad’Rusha atu

Druta dashatu swa

Drusha   swara upet ava

Vara Upa eava staana

Drushta Swaroopa Avastaanam Tadaa


Tad’ Aadra  Ushta

Tad’ – in such a manner, Ardra – Moisture, Ushta- Burnt


Therefore, learning has to be in such a manner like burning and pouring water and again burning. Learning is like fire as it catches fast on a dry material. But when the fire is put off by water, it has to burn by itself. “Tadaardraushta” is the principle of learning. It can be a physically  tough task that serves as the  water the water that extinguishes the fire, but what is learned has to  remain in a state to be rekindled.

Ud’a adat’a adRusha atu

Ud’ – Water, 

adat’a- fragment to small pieces,

Drusha- stone ,

 at’u –accept


Water that falls into a stone or rock splits off into small droplets. The stone does not absorb water. Knowledge when forced upon, the nervous system acts like a stone.  Therefore, the perceptive powers are to be taken as the criteria. Presumptive knowledge base acts like a rigid surface, he will be repulsive to learning. One will try to find objections and reservations, arguments and conflicts at every instance, or,  can even misappropriate and take the subject to undesirable directions and debates.  It is where, aptitude for learning, and understanding has to be the prime consideration in the choice of a student.

The same is applicable to persons selected for any job. The candidate may be smart, highly brilliant, who can score high grades in every test or interview. After the placement, the attitudes will lead to collapse of  the entire system.

The first lesson of Personal Management, selection and criteria is  defined here.

Dashatu  Tush’ Swa

Dashatu – decades of, tush –separating the trash, swa- self.


It will take decades to separate the unwanted or undesirable aspects from the self. To get an orientation or the track one has to choose will take decades. The same may be encountered in separating the right personnel .


Drusha tu  swara upe t’va


Drusha- Sitting on a tree, Swara-  sound,  Upet’- one who has fallen, Tva – several.

One who has failed in the process is the one who creates several sounds so loud as if  sitting on a tree. One who  falls tries to portray a picture  as if he has reached better heights or climbed the top of the tree.   

Vara Upa eava staana


Vara- best. Upa- above, Eava –in reality, Staana- position.


In reality the best will be above in  position,

And so,


Drushta Swaroopa Avastaanam Tadaa:


Yogic faculties become functional  when the Biogenic Energy System of the attain the state of information gathering that involves Vikshepa (emission) and Akshepa (reception). Both the processes attenuate the power of Vision beyond normal sensory perceptions.  Biogenic Energy Waves form the peri-cranial or system of extraneous Yogic intelligence. The waves generated in the extraneous system are emitted as radiance acts as the probe system which makes the subject matter in a visible form.   “Drushta” defines the potential powers of perceiving radiant frequencies that are beyond observable ranges. Biogenic energy has two distinctive spectrum that is categorized into Biofield and Biogenic Energy (Radiance). Biofield includes all observable spectrums that are resultant activity of life that includes Aura, Psi or Chi energies that are observable or detectable.  Whereas Biogenic energy is totally a system that is a characteristic property generated through the Faculty development that begins with resonance based activation of the human system by means of self-organization and transformation-  follows the principle of  “resonance to radiance”.

 Process of Self-organization and Self-transformation are continuous process of generating to an outer core of energy field.  This Core as it grows progresses outwardly creates more and more space of its own, irrespective and independent of geo-physical factors including time. Thus the impact of geo-physical chronological time ceases to exist. The core accrues a structure identical to the matrix of the universe and attains the stature of  Cosmic nature (Brahmam). At this state, vision, interpretation, analysis, explanations and derivations drawn within this matrix is Cosmic Knowledge –the   Brahma Jjnaanam. The base resonance- the of the matrix  the  Core system of the Yogi and the Universe is the same and is termed as  “Brahma Sruti”, which is the same sound  everywhere- COSMIC BASE RESONANCE. 

Attenuation of ‘Cosmic Base  Resonance’ generates the  “energy field” visible in the form of  radiant light, which serves as the   “Probe” system can be used to  intercept, transgress, implore and explore any matter of object or radiant systems  to gather the information content , that is further systematically organized and termed as  “JjNAANAM” – the “KNOWLEDGE”.  The radiant probe that emerges out of a Yogi is the Emitter can be termed as the “Emitted radiance” or “VIKSHEPA”.  Radiance so Emitted – Vikshepa  intercepts or probes the space or objects or organisms or specific areas or objects   and is  received  by the source of the emission as the “Radiant Information Signals”  or ‘AKSHEPA’. The Radiant Information Signals of Akshepa carry  huge volumes of information  are received    as a single point ( Bindu). This single point of resonance serves as a compressed information serves as the template for further deciphering of the voluminous data that are expressed with numerical values affixed with a sound frequencies rendered with specific modulations and intonations set with timing, thus giving rise to a graphic format.  The system developed over 1500 generations of lineages was codified by Sage Skanda and is “Jyotishmati” Jyotishmati paved way for the schools of other sages to develop their own time based system of “Horas”.  Based on this time based system,  Samhitas, Upanishads, Sootras were developed.  The next Stage of a YoGi is Tapasya or Penance, focused on a specific aspect, which can set in a prolonged course of hibernation, leading to the development of Schematic process of Knowledge – “Patdthati”.  Koushika system of Progression is one such scheme or “ Pat’tdha’ati”. Patdhati incorporates  Pathways(Pa’aT’) of  Knowledge (Dha)  involving schemes of  “Tat” and “dhi”.

“Tat” configures process that are employed for differentiating subject elements into its constituent units to the finest level and to synthesize diverse range of new structures in a sequence. The principles or theories derived out  in this manner are known as the Tat-Va.  “Dhi” is the process of analysis, interpretation and categorization of such theories, thus structuring a stream of Knowledge.   Such principles of ‘Tat’ expressed in a definitive time frame  “Va” is configured as  Organ –A’ng(ञ्) and  are expressed in a codified format “ Vang” VANG”-  Time based system of  numerical resonance system with linear movement of body organs to draw its  visual representation  called  AXARAM( Aksharam). This method of drawing  is  a highly precise graphic representation , in which every point of spatial distribution of a resonance assumes geometric patterns.  Such sounds were articulated with meters to produce literal meanings and at the same time incorporated technical detail in definitive formations of sounds.  

From here, YoGanusassanam   deals with the structure and functioning of the Mind, Intellect and the  Waveform dynamics in consonance with the Agneyam of R’G Veda.