Thursday, September 15, 2011



                                                                                                Krishna Kumar MB


Surya Gayatri. Or Gayatri mantra, believed to be a contribution of Rishi (Sage) Viswamitra, a Rig Vedic hymn, is recited in a defined manner at definitive times of the day. Intonation and modulation in the chanting style is set to the ritualistic purposes. The resonance generated by the rendering in the specific pattern with its numerical values reciprocating to the motion of the planetary systems, generates an effect in the environment and the life in its ambience.

Viswamitra was known as King Kaushika prior to his spiritual conquests. Kaushika acquired knowledge through long meditative process of penance or Tapas. In his quest to establish his theories, he challenged the contemporary schools, most pertinently that of the Sage Vasishta. Brihaschounaka Hora details the sequence of events. During the penance for attaining equal status with Sage Vasishta, Kaushika realized that Vasishta has a Hora Sastra or Hora Sciences to his credit. Hora is the duration of the planetary movements with reference to earth, which later on became adopted as hour in the Latin and English languages.

Vasishta had taught “Jyotishmati” a great Upanishad or treatise created by Skanda. Skanda Passed on his original work to Brahma.  Brahma taught Daksha who in turn taught his brother Marichi who was also sage. From Daksha and Marichi other sages, Atri, Vasishta, Angirass, Pulaha, Pulasthya, Brighu and Kruthu learnt Jyotishmati. Only these ten people of that time had mastered this great work. It was not learnt by the next generations as a subject, but was encoded in Atharva.

Kaushika had no knowledge of Skanda Ganita or the mathematical schemes of Skanda, which involves the basics of Astronomical Calculations. He studied Jyotishmati with his own interpretations and application of mind and composed a Hora Sastra. He made every possible attempt to contradict Vasishta. The Schools of Vasishta named it as Kaushika Hora...

The long years of conflict with Vasishta and penance of Kaushika led to the creation of Gayatri. Vasishta himself met Kaushika and acknowledged this great work and Kaushika was given the title of Viswamitra. The title of Viswamitra can be interpreted as VISWA- (UNIVERSE) - MITRA- (BINDING FORCES of ATTRACTION) - as one who can perceive the entire universe without a winkle of the eyes. Or else, as the one who scaled the Universe- VISWAM (UNIVERSE)–ITRA. (MEASURE).


Kaushika attained the status of a Rishi Viswamitra after he had elucidated equations and theories into a meaningful form of hymns.  The hymns conform to the natural process in a defined scale of ovation that produces resonance in consonance with the planetary motion. This is evolved together with the sequences for the ritualistic process. The rituals therefore, are performed to create visible effects of positive nature in the environment.  This itself takes long years of trial and error methods and indeed is a test to the concentration of mind.  For this, derivations of astronomical values are important. Time and the environmental parameters have to be adjudged by the position of the Constellations at that time. Time is not merely a measure of the planetary functions in relation to the sun, but is relative to the positions of other stars of the galaxy. The Sage thus, will have to set his mantras or hymns to a scale either determined by his predecessors or by himself. Here in Gayatri, Viswamitra has devised a scale and characteristics of his own. All his further works are based on this scale.  

A mantra thus is an abstraction of codes in a progression, reciprocation or intercalation representing a complete processes, theory or methodology with self containing scale and schemes of a Scientific or Technological theory and its application. The ritualistic part is the public utility.

The key or the scheme for decoding the mantra may be within it or may be found elsewhere and therefore involves complex process and applications of different schemes. The schemes detail the scientific information or theory or application. The schemes are to elucidate values that shall be the basis to decode, derive and calculate the theoretical applications. The right to decode the derivations and give functional applications was vested with a specific School known after the proponent of the scale of the values.

Gayatri     attained stature of an elementary mantra in praise of Sun or   therein with the meaning more or less like: - ‘we meditate on the glory of the Creator; who is worthy of Worship, Who is the source of knowledge, who is the bright light, May he illuminate our intellect. ‘

Gayatri is encoded in the 3rd Mandala or book of Rig Veda.

The schemes of calculation encoded in the mantra are basically two “TAT” and “DHI”. The underlying Scheme of measurement is YOYO.

Every letter, word and the schematization in   Gayatri unfolds the derivations or terminologies that denote functional derivatives of the planetary motion in the solar system


1.     Bhur Bhuva swah


Ga.ya .tri encodes Four Vyahritis, or the knowledge of the Universe .These is abbreviations and zipped abstractions of earlier Rig Vedic elucidations ascribed with values. Bhur Bhuva Swa implies the interrelationship between the sun and the earth

1.      Bhoo-UR =         the planets earth and the 
 Satellite moon (first Vyahriti)

2.      Bhoo- VA              =         Earth including its satellites (second vyahriti)

3.      Swah         =         existence or stability through its motion – day and night
(Third Vyahriti)

II. Tát savitúr váreṇyaṃ

Tat Saviturvarenyam defines the motion of the earth in relation to sun and the elliptical orbit around the sun. It does not imply that the sun is orbiting around the earth. It explains the motion of the earth in relation to sun and cannot be misconstrued as the sun moves round the earth.

4. TAT’            =         Scheme or a methodology applied

4.      Savi            =         Sun

5.      Tur              =         movement

6.      Varenyam   =        elliptical path or orbit

III. Bhárgo devásya dhīmahi.

Bhargo devasya Dhimahim the orbiting and the motion of the earth accounts for the gravitational forces with a definitive value. Stability of the planetary conformations is subject to the powers or forces therein.  Variations of these forces and the position of the earth in relation to the sun along the entire the orbit has given birth to definitive periods ascribed as the Months. Or Mahi.

7.      Bhar          =         gravity

8.      Argode       =         to give value (pronounced Arghate”)

9.      vasya          =         subject to the power

10.  Dhi            =         ascribed to

11.  Mah           =         month 

12.  Mah –im     =         world ( 4th Vyahriti)

 13. Dhi Mahim =        the world or the earth thus is ascribed with the months
                                    to be called mahim

Scheme 4 . dhíyo yó naḥ prachodáyāt : Measurement.

       14. DHI              =       ascribed thus The Scheme of calculation addition

15.  YOYO          =       the system of values (YOYO+AM NAH = yoyo nah)

16.  NAH             =       ascertained or here by proved to be

17.  PRACHODAYA=  PRACHIIR- UDAYA = rising in the east

Dhiyoyona Prachodaya. It establishes and accounts for the certainty that Sun rises in the east.


The composition of 4 schemes underlying in the Ga. Yat.ri is beset with two distinctive methods of calculations indicated as TAT and DHI.

TAT’ is an scheme of addition scheme where as DHI is progression scheme of adding values together in a linear pattern with multiplication.  And YO is the unit of measurement of the distance between the celestial bodies.

 To derive the underlying values, the ascribed numerical values of the schemes have to be applied with the methodology. This was a means to safeguard the Knowledge base in a coded form, so that intellectual property rights are held by the particular school.

Based on these methods the time required for one cycle of rotation of the earth and its constant values can be derived.


Numerical Value
Ascribed  Value






SVA is not an expression. Complete with a finitude, it is indicative that total value is not a perfect number, but the last digit is a fraction. So the total value stands 238. BHU Units.  

BHUR= 24
Bhu . UR- :: Bhu.VA:: s.Va
Bhu- ur  = horizontal plane =    Bha/ R = 24/40 =  0.6   
Bhu    = Bh’ OO =  .  10x .6 = 60 . that ies 24 units of Bhu,
One BHUR = 60 UR

One UR =  one VA

Va =  60 

1 BHUR  = one UR x One VA = URVA = 60x60 = 3600  and hence the unit of one BHUR is URVA , and the earth is given the URVI  based on this unit value.
SVA. Sva has half of Sa   with Va, pronounced to give the first half of each of the ascribed values , that is devoid of their zero. To say   S’ = 9 and  half  the value of  the following letter V’  6 being not a finite word  or (poornam as swam) zero values are be omitted. i.e= 9x 3 = 27 Bhu  = One  Sva =
This Yoga or cycle of S’ Va = has been  coined to give the name Savi to the Sun

One unit cycle of the earth to round the sun is 27 Bhu .based on this Nabha Samyoga and Nava Samyoga calculations that appear in the other Hora Sastras.

SVA in the other scheme  is 9 +3 =  12 
BH ur SVA = 24  i.e 24/ 12 = 2
12 + 12 UR  =  1BHUR
12 BHUR  is  Savi or exposed to sun in the order 3  BHUR transition and 9 BHUR of  direct Savi exposure. 

Therefore, it is derived that,
1VA = 60  equivalent to the Seconds
60VA= 1 UR equivalent to Minutes
60 UR = 1 BHUR equivalent to Hour
24BHUR = I Bhuva equivalent to day.

(9+3) + (9+3) = (12+ 12) i.e., 12 hrs day, 12 hrs night.

Transitory period from day to night and night to day = 3+ 3 = 6hrs

Effective day light = 9hrs and effective night =9 hrs.


From the previous Vyahriti, Sun is ascribed the name SAVI and Earth URVI.
URVA + VARENYAM = URVI VARENYAM=  TAT scheme. Saviturvarenyam implies that earth varenyam's or encircles the sun, defining the shape to that of a garland which is elliptical.











Number of days required for Orbiting the Sun is divided along Nine Periods or Mah as per TAT system the number of days is calculated to be 366 days.
TAT  is ‘ TRIGUNITHA SAMYOGAM”. As indicated in the previous code it has application of Nava Samyoga ( cumulation of 9) and in the present code it is Triguna Samyoga ( cumulation of 3).Trigunam  or Constant values of 3  are with Akriti or feature(20) Sankhya or numerical (7) and Aasraya or dependent number(3).By all means , TAT is a Samyoga or Cumulative function.

 The days are divided into 9 periods totaling 366 days as one savi-tur i.e., duration of one revolution around the sun.  These periods do not identical number of days to 30 31 and 28 as in today’s calendar.  Viswamitra system, defines the shortest period to be of 15 days and longest period with 90 days, only one period of 30 days and one period of 16 and one period of 15 days, indicates a behavioral change in the generalized lunar cycle of 14 days.

CALCULATION OF the lunar cycle is given as NNYA-AM. (2+5) =7
NNYa  ( ½ of NNA i.e. NN’  8/2 = 4  added to  Ya ( value of Ya without zero)  =3,  i.e., 4+3 = 7 and AM ( MA = 25) = 2+5= 7 , 7+7 = 14 days  is half lunar cycle or full moon to new moon is 14 days and full moon to full moon is 28 days  the calendar on full moon day reads 0.

Total numerical value of Varenyam independently totals to 27, gives the basis for the astronomical calendar of 27 days.


In a four year period, there is a variation of 24 hrs or one day, which he has elucidated through an elaborate method of splitting the days into 8 periods and deriving a variation of 24 hrs and thus arriving at a conclusion that a year has only 365 days. And in 4 years it will be adjusted to 366 days.


Method of DHI elucidates 9 periods. , Earlier Use of DHI MAHIM, or ascribing the mahim to the flowing DHI YOYO scale, defined these 9 periods to Mahi, or Months. The variations correspond to values as per the system of Yoyo. YO defines the distance between the sun and the earth while earth orbits round the sun.
And is given as Ga ya. Tri.

GA. YA TRI   ( G’a+ aT’ + R’a) ee

By the Scheme of Dhi

G’a   x   Y’a  x Ta  x  R’a  x  EE
      (  3x   30    x  16 x 40)  = 57600 x 102    = 5760000  x  G’ Y’ TA R’a e

Atre, by the same numbers Gayatri (atre)

Ga=3+ y’= 3+ t’=16+ r’ =4 , total  26

5760000 x (3 +3+16+4) = 5760000 x 26 = 14976,0,00 YO as the distance between the earth and the sun.

One Astronomical Unit is elucidated to be 149579,870.7 kms.

One YO = 10kms.


Viswamitra derived Values   and based on this he expounded his theories as well in Gayatri .that can be summarized as:-

Theory 1.  Rotation of the earth accounts for the    day and nights. Earth completes one cycle in twenty four hours, 12 hours day and night, 60 seconds make one minute, 60 minutes make one hour and 24 hours make one day.

Theory 2. Prachodaya or Prachir Udaya. Rotation of the earth accounts for the appearance of the  Sun  as rising in the east,  

Theory 3 Saviturvarenyam or revolution  of the earth around the Sun  accounts for nine periods or  Mahim or months.

Theory 4. Orbital path of the earth around the Sun is Oval or elliptical

Theory 5. Rotation and revolution and  the distance factor with the Sun and Moon and the cycles all together accounts for the Gravitational force .

Theory 6. Gravitational force is the reason for weight .

Theory 7:  At the end of every three years, one day accumulates that gets added to the 4th year and that is Leap year.

Theory 8.  One unit of Gayatri, YO, the distance between the sun and the earth is calculated near to perfection, may be correct on approximation at that point of time.

Gayatri denotes One Astronomical Unit as the distance between Sun and the earth as 14976,0,00 YO 



                                                                        Krishna Kumar MB

Kaushika, after deriving the algebraic equation on the planetary motion in relation to earth worked out ways to infuse both theory and its derivations as one coded form and expressive form by the effective use of “plosive” sounds to a meaningful expression and its cumulative effect in creating sonication. By positioning the equation in an order and by defining the points in the body from where the sounds should originate and flow through, Kaushika mastered over the effects of sonic vibrations in the body and its effects in the environment. The process of creating simulated pulsations of sound vibrations constantly in the body that tends to create sequential flow of impulses that generate  field effect, whereby, particles in contact with the bodygets charged. This charging of particles can be called as “Biionics. Biionic conditioning of the body leads to the creation of receptor and emitter modules that are extrasensory nuro-sensory mechanisms and serve as a brain outside the cranium. Multiple tasks of millions or trillions of permutation combinations can be generated in this extra cranial system. The first ever tool to create this extra cranial system was developed by Kaushika who demonstrated it through Gayatri. Gayatri was made as an equation of Fifteen (15) plosive alphabets, which basically had no meaning outside the context of astronomical equation. Over successive years of toil, Kaushika developed Gayatri into a schematized form, finally giving rise to the highly evolved system laying the foundations of the Indian System of Astronomy, to be revered for ever as Viswamitra.


In order to work out a coded form of an equation on the astronomical values, the most pertinent task was to position the Variables which have  constant values in their positional function. This positioning of the Variables or alphabets with a meaningful articulation of the theoretical aspects is a phenomenal exercise. Even in the modern days, theory and explanation or derivations are worked out separately, besides having a well defined hymn. This itself may be the basis for the application of Gayatri as a scale in the Rig Veda.

Gayatri  Comprises Fifteen elementary variables with constant values ascribed to each as per the then existing scheme.

(1)   Bha, (2) Ga, (3) Da,  (4) Dha, (5) Ta, (6) Va, (7) Sa, (8) Ya, (9) Rr’ (10) Ha, (11) Ma, (12) Na, (13) N’na, (14) Pa and (15) Cha.

To composes a Verse out of these fifteen alphabets it could have been either,

 BhaGa DaDhaTa Cha,
SaHaYa  PaVaR’rN’na  or some other Juxtaposition of these letters.

Choice of 15 letters is significant in realtion to the rotation of the earth. Earth completes one diurnal cycle in 24 Bhur ( hours). 360o  in 24 hrs give the value of 15. One hour is given the Value of 15 degrees and one minute equals 0.25o and half the lunar cycle.

Therefore, the objectivity of Kaushika was not to create merely an equation. It is possible that he did  a series of exercises on the positional functions, articulation, resonance effects, duration  besides other parameters, that led to the creation of  apt “Dhwani’ or ‘sonic reverberations’. Sonic reverberations at higher to lower frequency levels and its effects in the body was carefully studied. Vibrations give rise to motion in the minutest levels or cellular level, a function that cannot be achieved though any other means. Effects of such reverberations on the cellular system were found to improve the body functioning and giving a lease of life. Otherwise, the uniform cellular activity leads to metabolic process and the accumulated wastes in the cells get cleared off. Such catabolic functions can be effectively generated in the body through such reverberations or sonic effects.

Continuous pulsations created in the neural system results in creation of a charge effect on the surface of the body. This leads to the ionising effect on the particles coming into contact with body in the atmosphere, leading to the creation of an ionic field. Continuous discharge of ions creates a field effect in the atmosphere. Such specific effect generated in the human body through such a systematic process can be termed as “Biionic Effect”.  Bi represents Biotic and Ionic refers to Ions or charged particles.