International YoGa day 2023
International Yoga day, if not for any other reason, it has
a relevance in the Indian Socio Political Contest. The first Prime Minister of
India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, who garnered recognition and respect among the
chaste Hindu Population of India, was perhaps; better aware of YoGa than the
present Prime Minister who worked for the International recognition of YoGa.
Nehru used to send a letter every month to the Chief Ministers of the states.
In one of the letters which Anaya Banerjee has dealt at length, Nehru addressed
the relevance of Vedanta Philosophy. Immediately as Narendra Modi gained
his position in getting the UN declaration 21 June as the International day,
Congress that ruled India for over 60 years, suddenly felt the jolt. Stories
surfaced on the initiative of Nehru in including YoGa as a part of health
education. His pictures in YoGa posture rolled out of dust.
For Nehru, YoGa seemingly was nothing more than exercise. If
the quotes found here and there are true, -
“Among my exercises one that pleases
me particularly is the Shirshasana, standing on the head with the palms of the
hands, fingers interlocked, supporting the back of the head, elbows on the
floor, body vertical, upside down. I suppose physically this exercise is very
good; I liked it even more for its psychological effects on me. The slightly
comic position increased my good humour and made me a little more tolerant of
life’s vagaries.”
The “Comic Position” as he narrates cannot be taken so
lightly, though another quote renders a better narrative on the insight of
Yoga system of Patanjali is essentially a method for the discipline of the body
and the mind leading up to psychic and spiritual training,”
If Nehru intended to get YoGa as a subject of health
education in India, how did the Government of India fail to take a single step
in over sixty year sixty years of Congress Regime?
Truth is that Nehru and the Congress was caught in the
electoral diplomacy of religious appeasement. YoGa and the Indian
knowledge systems under the political consideration became the proprietary and
property of the Hindus. Vedas, YoGa Sutras, Tantras, Astrology, Siddha,
Ayurveda all became Hindu traditions and ancient knowledge. A conflict was
created to prove that these scriptures have no scientific base, and are only
for religious purposes.
Political system of India, after the theocentric partition
had no strength to declare that these knowledge systems are Indian and every citizen
of the country have to know and understand the cardinal testaments and
treatises indigenous to India. That is where secularism of the Country would
have had a meaning and sense of belonging. Secularism is not about giving
preference and special status to religions, but in creating a sense of
belonging to the cardinal foundation of what India is. Indianness or
Bharatiyata is deep rooted in the inheritance of the country. The freedom
through partition of India meant it.
The fear of a conflict and communal divide over enforcing
anything of Indian origin in the governmental system could be seen as a reason
to exclude the Indian systems out of the government. However it completed
the destruction of the scientific base and values of Indian Systems that began
with the conquests from the west, beginning with the Macedonians and ended with
the British. However, Germans are said to have safeguarded some valuable
scriptures, which they took out of the Indian Subcontinent.
The system of YoGa, is not limited to the YoGasanas,
including the Comic Position of Nehru. YoGa is set into motion by
creating and expanding the human faculties and by creating an independent
system of biological timing of one’s own. Two basic theories are
Criticality of Limitation and Self-supporting –Self Sustaining control
mechanisms that are precisely a YoGi. The chronological impacts and impairments
of time do not affect a Yogi, so does the weather and the changing seasons.
The system of faculty development of a YoGi is set into
motion with the development of the Biogenic Energy field. This leads to the
development of the probe system, which is an extra cranial function. The
biogenic energy system is modulated into an Emitter and Collector or Vikshepa
and Akshepa mechanism. The signals received do not have a language and are
transcribed and translated into one’s own language. The system used in all such
information is called Dhwani, a complex Sound laid along a time scale.
If at all YoGa is to be a part of the health Sciences, as a
subject for MBBS or BAMS, should it be for the health of the
doctors? Or to prescribe some Aasanaas for patients in certain cases? Or is it
for cultivating certain Indian Values?
If a systematic approach is made in incorporating the system
of YoGa, the answer would be a big “No” for all the questions.
The basic purpose and objective of YoGic System as a
curriculum would be to develop the probe system. It would enable the Doctors to
see the whole energy spectrum of the patient and can have a preliminary diagnosis.
This is what the Dashan or Darshanam. Here in conversation is to confirm the
symptoms. If further required would be Sparshan or Sparshanam. The touch
of the neuromuscular Plexus or Naadi. The touch enables us to get into the
history of the patient and more on the genesis of the pathologic condition.
Depending on the state of evolved faculties, the doctor can see the probable
developments that can happen for 4 to 6 months or more. If all these processes
of diagnosis are not satisfactory, he can go for tests or Pareeksha.
Darshanam, Sparshanam, Bhashanam and Pareeksha are the four
stage diagnoses of a practitioner of healing. A YoGi is a Siddhi on its
own. It would be like an internship of practicing the YoGic system to
develop Siddhis, and to be an efficient practitioner. A doctor would have
to sit against facing the sun and as the patient walks in, the spectrum becomes
visible. There is a marked difference between the Biogenic Energy Field Vision
of the YoGic Siddha and kirlian photograph or polygraph, and the
Aura. Colour pattern identification and opaque zones, and the thoughts of
the patient all become clear in the YoGic Vision. The time of a thought and the
crystallization into a language and whether any deviation between the thought
and expression can all be understood by the YoGic Siddha.
It needs the entire YoGa Sutra to be decoded and translated
into proper disciplines along with the therapeutic formulations. If the
Government and the influential intellectuals who are advisory to the government
consider it as philosophy and the Aasanaas alone would be the ultimate, nothing
can change.
Delinking the Indian Systems from the Brahminical and
Religious domains and to work out the scientific base and derivations from the
YoGa Sutra and Vedas, needs a strong will and determination of the Political
leadership. Sruti as they are have their own formation and codes. The
resonance based application that is set into a dynamics begins with Gayatri,
which can control the environment.
May India arise and awaken into a realm of new Vision and