Tuesday, March 29, 2016





Western system of education has taught as to learn theories, equations and formulae of alphabets, yet we fail to understand and learn theories, equations and formulae based on the numerical- sound- alphabetic formations. After the genocide of the  great masters to prevent the flow of knowledge to undesirable elements,  we resorted to linguistic and ritualistic basis of our knowledge systems. Our Knowledge system is a formation numeirc- sound- alphabetic system in  graphic format. Data stored in the form of a dot,  when magnified get the magnified form a pixel that forms the basic structure of all graphic formations. Developing sequences out of such a system is an obscure process for Linguists, Numeric exponents of Sankhyam, or the ritualistic schools that follow sound patterns.   None of the schools accept the the original graphic format, but the other two schools continue to conflict with the interpretations according to their schools. Linguists of grammarian, logics and Vedantic schools differ from each other, and so is the Numerical streams. Samskrutam or the sanskrit is a recently developed during 30-60 millennium- a   language  that took origin  as an extension with metres of the  Schools of Vedas and vedangas, who developed Upanishads, Sutras and sastras harping on the lingustic basis.



In the process we continue to have discourses that finally end up in the ritualistic or liguistic inferences, and keep the real knowledge base in the veil. Veda sutra also has gone through the same. Personality development, faculty development and faculty advancement  for self sustainable, self correcting error proof admministrative and management systems thus became confined to the tales of epic characters. This led the wetern world to take an unrealistic approach to our  indigenous system of Knowledge, but showed an acceptance to inculcate its values in some form or the other, but not directly.



YoGa is the most advanced science for the development and advancement of the human faculties  with psycho-physical characteristics in synchronisation with the  cosmic systems.  Although the designed postures ( aasanaas ) have a different function in the original design. Experiences of the the past two centuries have shown that the skeetal basis of Postures and breath control can create incredible effects in the health, mental stability, peace and overall well being of individuals. However, our exponents of YoGa, relied on the ritualistic and lingusitic bases, mostly drawn from Pathanjali or Vasishta streams.  It is indeed shocking to find that none of the schools or comentators of Pathanjali Schools never could find the analysis and decipher the encoded  insignia of " Pathanjali" in the YoGa sootra.


Further, it is only an introductory illustration, not intending to go beyond this part and leave it to all Government aided institutions, monastic schools and universities to continue if they desire so. Primarily, Vasishta and Pathanjali Doctrines have incorporated have commonality with Viswamitra scheme of codification and formatting the scientific base.  The scheme of calculations progressions and segmentation of sounds and generating graphic format is a cumbersome exercise to elucidate the basic principles. It needs phenomenal strain of developing faculties and developing the extra cranial faculties and integration with other faculties without interphase.  Such kind of faculty development without invasive methodologies and gadgets prove to be unfitting to the present world of Mechanization, Automation and Nanotech (MAN) world compounded with digitization. 


The question is whether India should reinvent our advanced faculties and knowledge based system for the futuristic development of the world and in creating nascent technologies? If we really look forward we should redevelop our own system of faculty development and advancement and create a futuristic generation. Climate Change or environmental impediments will be n outcry of a helpless learning system, and India will have potential faculties to reverse any process and ensure the nature intact with its own system of Rational Management.  YoGa, Purohitam, Prajaa Palanam (Public Administration) Praja Paripalanam (Public Welfare) lies under the cover of colonial education.  It is time to reinvent and develop our own models of Management, Administration and National Welfare.


Doctrine of Yoga or YoGa Anusaasanam popularly known as Yoga Sootra (sutra) is an extensive application of the Principles of ‘Jyotishmati’ of Skanda together with its branches of Astronomy, human structure and functions in reciprocation to nature. Posturising and regulation of breathe skeleto- muscular and organ systems are only a part of the YoGa Sootra. The extensive application of the YoGa Sootra underlies in the positioning in consonance with Astrophysical principles and delinking the impact of chronological progression of time, to create a self defined, self determining Faculties and Physique with absolute control of involuntary and voluntary functions. Thus System of YoGa is fundamental to futuristic course of learning and skill development to create absolute mastery over the subject streams pursued.  Since it is an offshoot of Jyotishmati, YoGa Sootra employs the codes of “Numerico-Alphabetic –Resonance” system, where alphabet or written form is a code of the numeric and expressions in the form of resonances (Naada). Sound and Numerical are derived in a Graphic form in layers based on the number of sets of the sources of resonance, their order and take off and landing timings and the use of different parts of the body involved in it. Meters or mantras represent the directions of movement. Elementary sounds give the functional values based on each segmental sound and its scales.


In today’s world dominated by twenty six letters system, with a different methodology of teaching and learning, such a codified knowledge system is beyond the scope of learning.   Yet, Geriatrics or Physio therapy or prosthetics or Cognitive Sciences could not develop a branch of modern medical sciences as effective as YoGa.  Since YoGa has been internationally accepted and practiced worldwide, it is time for both the Scholars and the Government runs institutions to structure YoGa sutra as a branch of applied medical Sciences integrated with Allopathic and Ayurvedic steams.



9. तु दीर्घकालनैरन्तर्यसत्कारासेवितो दृढभूमिः|


Sa’ ThU Deergkha Kaala Nairantharya Satkaaraa Sevito dRdha  Bhoomi:


 Sa- AT’: - existence in the state of formation –“ in Situ”


  Dee: reflection, – Argha:-  weight



 Dee – Arg’ kha-  constituent elements that can  derive   the values of   forces  stellar bodies (Kha)


Deergkha:  extensions, distance from a point,


- Ak- AKaala: Changes occurring erratically and untimely



– Nairantarya:


- Na:  irrespective of , not withstanding


-eir-: encumbering all functions


-Naier: irrespective of encumbering functions


- Antara:  interspaces, inbetween


-  Anta: infinite or that which extends beyond limits



-  Antriya:


– AR’aya- internal configuration


 Aaya’:  of four


- sat:water


Sa-atka-  limb  or organs , like armour


- Araa:like the spokes of the wheel


- asaivit: abstaining


-a vita: protected


- Vito: devoid of water


dRdha- consistent,


- BhU: unit of time – 238 units of one axial rotation of earth , a day 23.8 horas


- Bhoomi- Earth in its geo physical considerations with respect to Astronomical position and values.






    तु   दीर्घकाल  नैरन्तर्य- त्कारासे  वितो   दृढभूमिः

Sa tu  deergha kaala  Nair-atharya- sa-atka – raase- Vito  dRudha Bhoomi.

Reasserting the theory of Agneya  or the Science of  Energy to universe of the Rig Veda, Yoga Sootra emphasizes that  the spinning motion of the earth and the orbiting around the Sun resulted in the  formation of  gradient based precipitation and consolidation of the earth into its solid state.  It is like the spokes of a wheel in motion that a homogenate, got  into layers based on the –“dee –argha”   distance to gravity factor.

 Long periods of spinning motion at higher speeds led to changes in the length of the spoke( radius).  Atakara, with deergkha here implies the  variations  in the length of radius  with time.  “ raase vito “  solidification of chemicals in accordance with the radius of gyration derived of water.  Separation of water in the earth is a result of the centrifugal action of the  fluid form of earth.  Finally with the stability earth attained consistent (dRudha) motion of 238 Hora units  to be called as Bhoomi. 

“Nairantarya”, -   The movement of the stellar bodies  bodies ( g’Kha)  at different times in the galactic system had varying gradient of centrifugal speeds, irrespective of its own spin. It is this spin that led gKha to undergo the process of separation of constituents and separate water or become devoid of water ,this led to the stability of earth with an internal configuration of four layers and to be called as “Bhu” and “Bhoomi”.


And   दृढभूमि दृष्टा


D’ Ra’sh’ ta : (Da x Ra) x (shax ta) =  (18x 40) x  (80x 11) = 720x880 =  633600  is the unit  deergha  of spin per unit of Bhu (UR).  we see the stable earth  from  the centre of  spinning motion of the earth in relation to motion with the Sun at its centre.  Bhoo and Bhumi, Urva, Urvi   are always denoted  for astronomical values of distance, rotation revolution, galactic drift and time.

This may raise a question why the Doctrine of YoGa needs to bring out astronomic principle in its frame work.

The spinning motion of the earth or the rotation and  the revolution around the  Sun are two factors that accounting for the chronological changes in life. The forces ArgKha (Gravity) and Deergkha ( centrifugal) account for the stability of the planet and the formation of four layers.

Position of the earth in relation to “ DruDdha Bhoomi Drushta” is the distance factor from the centre (Sun) to the radius of gyration (orbit) in relation to the centrifugal force acting on it with other planets distributed within  and  outside. The inner core of the earth to its four layers are taken into consideration to formulate  the integration mechanism of the planet in relation to the principles of dual motion. YoGa was developed as a process to attenuate the human system to be independent of the impacts this dual motion.


 Krishna Kumar MB